Saturday, April 20, 2013

God gives us word of healing

Are you feeling sick ? Would you like to believe that there are healing words from God? Well believe it. I have to give you  a little back story of what happened to me a few days ago.

I had a pounding headache. It hurt so bad that I could not even sit with friends and carry a conversation. I could not even keep my eyes open. I had to close them and hold my head with both hands as if that would help. I also took some Motrin and laid down and tried to get sleep. I then got woken up by nausea. So I'm guessing the medicine didn't stay in too long. I tried to go back to sleep and then I couldn't stop remembering the dream that I had a few months ago.

It was the bible opened and it was floating in the air to  the book of psalms.  There was a voice in the background the gently said . "The healing chapter".  When I looked closer at the book it was opened to . Psalm 23. After I understood that it was psalm 23 I was looking at, the dream stopped. I did not know what Psalm 23 was about. I had read the bible but no that chapter. I made a mental note about it.

So back to that day that I had a huge headache, I'm sure it was a migraine. I do not suffer from migraine's and have a whole new level of empathy for those who do. But I digress. So here I am laying down trying to sleep and I know that all I have to do is go read my bible, go to psalm 23. I hesitated, because I did not want to move.
I finally went to my car. I got my bible out from the passenger side door pocket , I sat in my front seat with my car door open. I looked around hoping no one would see me. Don't wanna look like a crazy christian fanatic. But I left the door open It was really hot out and I took the chance. I went on to read the following.

            psalm 23 " The Lord is my shepard, I shall not  be  in  want.
He makes me lie  down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul.

He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death ,

I will fear no evil  for you are with me;
your rod and your staff they comfort me."

New international Version study Bible

I stopped there. I read it over and over . At first it did not seem like a healing verse. But then I read, "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. Being sick is walking through the valley of the shadow of death. Not for me on that day. But for many, being sick is  walking through that valley.Then it made sense.Then I just accepted  that I would be healed and stopped trying to make sense of it. Because I realized Jesus died to carry our  punishment from us because we keep missing the mark. The mark of perfection. In other words the overly used word that I have always hated hearing at church. The "S" word. Sin. We miss the mark. We are working toward sanctification and need to give our selves a break. Every time we miss the mark, or sin.

I then sat there in that hot car and felt  a little bit more  alive. More clarity as if the fog I was in from that headache cleared up. It was only for a moment. I accepted that was it. I was better.I still had the headache  and got out of my car. I  left my bible in the car. Even though I wanted to take it upstairs, but I was embarrassed that my family would see it. You see it was not Sunday. It was in the middle of the week. I did not have a regular reason for carrying Gods work on a regular day. So I thought. I laid down in bed and prayed for sweet slumber and healing. I then woke up about 3 hours later. Yes I was healed. I had slept like a baby. I had glow. I felt refreshed. Symptoms that red flagging a flu just went away. Even though i missed the mark by  not proclaiming my faith outwardly God healed me. I accept his grace and mercy . But I will work to be more bold in who I really am inside

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